So it’s been quite a long time since I’ve been back on the
blogging scene, and a sadly longer time since I’ve dated. But after some consideration I’ve decided to
jump back on the dating saddle and give this dating-in-DC thing another try.
For those of you who are just joining me, you can click on the Blog Archive from 2011 for a few good, good laughs.
But if it's the abbreviated version you care for, here it is:
For a short period of time in 2011 I let my girlfriend pick whom I dated. After that failed I
continued to date online and therefore accumulated some pretty ridiculous
stories that I had to share. Hence was born “The Cupid Experiment.”
Then around this time last year (well, specifically
June/July) I had what was one of the worst dates of my life. I just gave up. The
penis embargo began. My spirit in men was broken. Specifically, Latin men.
(I’m not hating on you boys. Most of you are like family,
but for the most part…still come mierdas.)
After that I threw in the towel. I just stopped dating altogether.
Then recently I decided I wanted to start fresh. I wanted to
be open to experiences. I required a reprieve from work and career. I needed to
meet knew people.
I also came to the realization that it’s not because I want to have a
baby one day that I’m looking for Mr. Right.
Fuck. Anyone can have a baby. All you have to do is go out
there and make a fucking baby. How hard is that? We’ve been practicing at it
for decades.
But what I really wanted was a family, not just a baby.
“What is that?!” my boy-crazy friends ask.
Well, in a nutshell it’s a man worthy of a future with me,
and I of him; a man who can be there when I succeed, and pick me up when I fail;
a man that needs me when I’m healthy and cares for me when I’m sick as shit
(which isn’t often so I can include mood swings and just straight up bitchiness in this category, too); a man
who will love and nurture a child alongside me; a man who can give as much as
he takes; and a man I can see sharing a walking cane with when we’re both 80-something.
And of course, someone I’m both physically and mentally attracted to. Yes, both are important. I'm only moderately shallow.
So sitting around and bitching about it with my friends isn’t
going to make it happen.
I’m starting over. New profile. New pictures. New stories -2011/2012
have brought lots of those. And a new
And if finding Mr. Right doesn’t work out this time around,
then hopefully it at least brings around some opportunities to keep practicing towards that other less significant goal.
Stay tuned!
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