March 27, 2011
So as Jozefina continues on my cupid crusade, I'm still occasionally logging in to check messages and see who's viewed my OK Cupid profile. Plus I get to see who Jozefina has been viewing on my behalf....and discover that she has slightly modified my profile. Nice! Thanks, babe.
To be honest, I've already had to "hide" a few guys. But not for creepy reasons. Well, some for creepy reasons, but that's a whole other blog posting. One guy I believed to be someone from high school, and another guy that I see out in DC on a regular basis, were blocked a few weeks ago. Both were in the 90% match category, but my pride is worth far too much! (Some could argue that this is why I'm still single...)
A few days ago I noticed yet another guy I recognized on my newsfeed - about an 80% compatible match. This guy, let's call him John, happened to have attended my annual ski trip at Wisp this past January. John was a friend of a friend of a friend.
Mentally I thought "I should let Jozefina know he's on here," so she doesn't view his profile or message him. Once I even considered hiding him, but I just didn't have the energy to walk over to my computer, turn it on and go through the trouble. Plus Jozefina had gone on the ski trip and so I assumed she would have recognized him and not bothered, right?
Out of the blue Sunday night Jozefina calls me from California. Her voice is strained, I can't make out what she's saying and she asks me if I'm alone. I panic and think she's crying. No, no. She's fine. Actually, she's laughing so hard she can't speak.
Turns out that she's emailed John. She didn't recognize him from the ski trip and this is his response:
"First thing... Should I assume this is Vanessa or Jozefina who apparently has
been given full access to your account. (Uh Oh). Maybe my pictures are too
old that they don't look like me.... But I figured after a few nights of sleeping
under the same roof together that I might have been somewhat memorable.
Sadly not. Well, that said, if you remember who I am (hint... one of your
383 FB friends), I would be up for a drink. Have a great night!"
Ahhh...good laughs. If we make it past the embarrassment I'll consider going out with him for sure! Give it a week...or two.